May is National Bike Month
May is National Bike Month, sponsored by the League, and now is the  time to encourage your friends, family and co-workers to bike to work, school and for errands. Bike to Work Week is May 17-21 and Bike to Work day is Friday, the 21st. Check out events in your area here. If you have a website, newsletter, etc. feel free to use the League's promotional materials, like our Bike Month banners, logos and buttons. Help make every day Bike to Work Day! |
DOT Requests Comments on Distracted Driving
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a notice of proposed rule-making in regards to limiting the Use of Wireless Communication Devices. Comment period concludes on May 3, 2010. View the League's comments here. |
New Complete Streets Resource
League Hires Three New Staff Members!
The League's office is expanding with the addition of three new staff members in the past two weeks. We have hired a new Director of Membership Scott Williams, a Bicycle Friendly America Program Assistant Carly Sieff, and a Membership and Events Assistant Katie Omberg. Meet our new staff! |
League National Rally
The League's National Rally is a beloved tradition; and this June 3-6 we will be celebrating our 130th rally anniversary by teaming up with the Bicycle Coalition of New Mexico! We will ride to honor Gail Ryba, founder of the Bicycle Coalition of New Mexico. Join cyclists from across the country for three days of riding through the colorful and historic New Mexican terrain. Find out more. |
200,000+ Biking in NYC
The New York Times recently reported on new cycling counts that estimate the number of daily New York City cyclists at 236,000. This news coincides with a new case study Cycling in New York that will be published in World Transport Policy and Practice this summer. The report tracks trends in demographics (age and gender), safety, the bicycle facility network (including the new cycle tracks and green lanes), bike parking, bikes on transit and the city's education and promotion efforts. The report supports the growth reported by yesterday's Times article. Read more. |
B-Cycles Bike-Share Debuts in Denver
Denver's new bike-share system B-cycles debuted last week with much excitement and national attention. B-cycles has membership options ranging from 24-hour to yearly and includes a universal swipe card. The bikes are Trek GPS-enabled cruisers and log data on your personal B-cycle account page: length/duration of each ride, your carbon offset, and how many calories you've burned. B-cycles is currently having a contest to see where they will launch their next bike-share system in the U.S. Read more. |
Mid-Ohio's New Complete Streets Policy
The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), the metropolitan planning organization in central Ohio, approved a Complete Streets Policy that will apply to all transportation projects seeking MORPC federal funding. The Policy also encourages local governments to adopt a Complete Streets Policy for their transportation projects. Read more here. |
Fort Wayne, Ind. Bike Summit
The City of Fort Wayne will host its second annual Bike Summit Saturday, May 8. The free event will be from 9 a.m. to noon at the Allen County Public Library downtown with an optional post-summit bike ride. The sessions are designed for everyone, from beginning cyclists to those who bike year-round. Read more. |
Ride of Silence - Worldwide On May 19, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., the Ride of Silence will begin in North America and roll across the globe. Cyclists will take to the roads in a silent procession to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways. Read more. |
Ride to Recovery Memorial Ride
Ride2Recovery is hosting the second annual Memorial Challenge-Washington, D.C. to Virginia Beach Va. Monday, May 31 to Saturday, June 5th. This is the return of a very successful event that benefits wounded warriors. You can participate in either the full 6-day ride or 1-day rides. Find out more. |
Job Opportunity - Active Trans in Chicago Active Trans in Chicago is seeking a new Executive Director to lead their board, staff, members and 1,000 volunteers for attitude shifts, policy changes, and improvements throughout Chicago. Apply now.
Bentonville Ark. Bike & Pedestrian Trail Planner The City of Bentonville, Ark. is hiring a Bike and Pedestrian Trail Planner to develop and administer comprehensive plans and programs for bicycle and pedestrian trails throughout the city. Find out more.
The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of America's 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit |
Denver method is looking very effective bicyclers. It 'll definitely grow in the bicycle riders and they must try to adopt it.