Bike the C-bus is TOMORROW!

A quick reminder - the inaugural edition of Bike the C-bus is tomorrow. Registration is $25 (and gets you a discount on a Consider Biking membership if you're so inclined).

Here are the details, from the official website (link above):

Bike the C- Bus Rider Information

Bike the C-Bus Bicycle Tour
Saturday, August 23, 2008
King-Lincoln District (East Long Street)

Pre-registration available 5PM Friday August 22 at 771 East Long Hospitality Tent

Ride Fee: $25 includes Long Street Tour T-Shirt, wristband and food and drink at stops.

Pickup Columbus High Street Neighborhoods magazine for coupons.
or download the coupon here and print it out.

For Everyone's Safety
Participants must obey all traffic regulations. Streets are NOT closed and riders share the road with automobile traffic.Riders will be required to fill out the emergency information on the back of the rider number. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED. Medical support, links to emergency medical services, marshals at key intersections. Each course will be marked with directional signs from start to finish. Cue sheets noting course turns will be available at pre-registration and packet pick-up, at the start/finish area at rest stops.

People, not speed.
