Consider Biking released their latest newsletter the latest from our excellent advocacy group!
People, not speed.
Consider Biking Newsletter
October 2008
In This Issue
Critical Manners Ride this Tuesday evening
Columbus Traffic Code Update
Join us for the Fall Picnic
Become a Member
Consider Volunteering
Wow! 2008 has been a time of explosive growth for Consider Biking (formally known as COBAC) We'd like to thank you for signing up for our newsletter list at one of our events or display booths this summer, or by virtue of registering on the Consider Biking website, or through past involvement with COBAC.
The momentum we're generating as a trusted resource for objective information, has drawn many to our cause of making Central Ohio more friendly for bicyclists.
We hope you'll find the news of our challenges and accomplishments to be relevant and inspiring.
"Critical Manners" Ride this Tuesday evening!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Consider Biking is pleased to announce our first "Critical Manners" ride for:
Tuesday October 7th - 5:30 pm.
Meet & depart at the William McKinley statue on the west side of the Statehouse (High St.side) Distance - approximately 10 miles
Purpose & Format - We hope to encourage participation from bicyclists that would like some basic education about how to ride on city streets. We'd also like to demonstrate to the general public that Consider Biking (and our members) want to educate cyclists how to respectfully take our rightful place on the road as vehicles and behave lawfully. And of course, we'll have some fun riding our bikes!
We will have a brief 5-10 minute "basic rules of the road" presentation from Tricia Kovacs, an LAB Certified Instructor, before the ride starts. We've planned the route to encounter "teachable moments" where our mentors can provide some on-the-road leadership to help people learn some of the basic road riding techniques. (e.g. - shifting left across two lanes to get in left turn lane, appropriateness of single file vs. two-abreast, etc.)
Perhaps we'll have all experienced riders. Perhaps we'll have all newbies. Regardless, we'll definitely have some fun, and probably all learn at least one new practice to enhance our own bike safety. Here's the discussion thread from our website.
We'll also end the ride at the Surly Girl Saloon, where there will be a rally/party for or favorite cycling City Council member, Maryellen O'Shaughnessy. If you can't make the ride, please join us at the Surly Girl Saloon at 1126 N. High Street anytime after 6:30 pm.
We'd like to thank Consider Biking members, Andrew Hulvey and Tricia Kovacs for providing leadership for this event.
Help us update the Columbus Traffic Code regarding bicycles
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As you may recall, during the development of legislation for a mandatory childhood helmet law in July, Consider Biking played a key role in thwarting an incomplete proposal to update the Columbus Traffic Code pertaining to the operation of bicycles on our roadways.
Both Jeff Stephens and Meredith Joy of Consider Biking has been invited to participate in an advisory panel, whose purpose it is to assist the Columbus Public Service Department in updating its bicycle-related city code by the end of 2008 as outlined in the recently adopted Columbus Bicentennial Bikeways Plan. One of the recommendations in the Plan is updating antiquated city ordinances pertaining to bicycling safety, rules of the road, and bike accommodation. We are honored to be an important contributor to this process.
The advisory panel will develop the new city code to be congruent with the recently passed Ohio Better Bicycle Law (2006) and also to utilize and model the "best practices" laws and code from over 13 cities across the country that have been rated as the most progressive by independent auditors.
Consider Biking is very eager to channel the feedback of our members to the process. However, because the project is on a very aggressive schedule for presentation to City Council, the window of opportunity for your feedback will be very short and require quick turnaround. If you're interested, and available to help during the middle of October, please contact Jeff Stephens at
We look forward to your contributions and insights.
Consider Biking Fall Picnic
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Consider Biking will be hosting a Fall picnic and, very informal, general membership meeting on:
Sunday Oct 12th, 1-4pm
Goodale Park - just north of downtown Columbus (look for the bikes and our banner!)
This is a potluck, so bring something to eat.
Many of our Board Members will attend, and this will be a fun setting to meet the leadership of our organization, and share your comments about our future.
Here is the picnic discussion thread on our website for update information
Become a Member Today!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Consider Biking is a member-supported organization. We can only accomplish our goals through the support of our cycling constituents. There are over 130 peer organizations across the country, demonstrating a need for cycling advocacy groups. Many of these organizations have THOUSANDS of members, and benefit by the financial support, and the "body of cyclists" that stand behind them when they advocate for enhancements to cycling accommodation.
We'd like to ask you to join Consider Biking. We need your support to represent our common interests in Central Ohio.
What's in it for you??
You benefit by knowing we'll have the resources to fight for our needs.
You'll benefit by knowing that we're working hard so you can "just ride."
You'll benefit by knowing we partner with strong coalitions to advance the healthy movement of people, not just cars.
You'll benefit by knowing we coordinate unique events that serve some of the dynamic segments of our cycling audience.
And, you'll benefit through our on-line presence, where ALL cyclists are welcomed, respected, and have a safe place to share their perspective.
Your membership donation to Consider Biking is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We thank you for your support.
Information on membership here.
Organizational Development
Consider Biking is developing into a fully functioning organization. We are an Ohio corporation designated as a 501c(3) non-profit organization. After the merger of Consider Biking into COBAC last winter, we have had a vibrant Board of Directors that has met monthly. Additionally, the Programming, Communications, and Fundraising Committees, have been very active. And, through a grant from Columbus Outdoor Pursuits, we have hired a full-time staff person to work everyday for your needs.
In the meantime, we welcome your feedback, and participation, on events, activities, and committees. We are seeking volunteers to help with items such as: developing bicyclist education, public relations, data entry, regional outreach, event coordination, LAB Bicycle Friendly Community application, Safe Routes to Schools, Care Team, etc. We need your help, and welcome your participation. Please contact Jeff Stephens at for more information about volunteer opportunities.
Quick Links...
Our Website
Contact Information
Executive Director, Jeff Stephens - 614-579-1127
President Board of Directors, Meredith Joy -
People, not speed.
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