2008 Ride of Silence

Tonight was the 2008 Ride of Silence, and Columbus had an EXCELLENT turnout! I'm terrible with estimates of this type, but there were at least 1000 people on our ride - it stretched for blocks!

Consider Biking's executive director Jeff Stephens and City Council member Mary Ellen O'Shaughnessy were the speakers, but there wasn't much to say before the silent ride took off, other than to read off the names of people who had died - both in Columbus and friends from around the world.

It was eerie - it was a ride of silence - and the street itself was quiet as we took our place on the road and the only sound was that of onlookers watching and commenting, clapping, or in a few cases, drunkenly hooting. Sigh...

I took a lot of pictures... enjoy. (If you're reading through a feed reader, please click through to see the pics - the Flickr widget isn't showing up for Google Reader, at the least).

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

People, not speed.


  1. Great pictures and a great ride.

    Found myself in a few of them.

  2. Thanks, Andrew. I learned a couple things from this ride:

    1. It's freaking hard to steady a camera while you're on a bike.

    2. There are a whole lot of people in this city who really care, and that's great.

  3. Jamie,

    Flip Video has a camera mount that velcros to your handlebars.

    Once I figured out how to use the velcro (3 days), it worked well...

    (Video, plus you can capture stills from the video....)

    Ultra, 60 minutes, $130:

    Action Mount:


  4. Thank you everyone for honoring Mike & raising awareness of the cycling community in Columbus. Our family has been deeply touched.

    Traci Sonney
    (Michael Sonney's mom)

  5. FYI, Mike has an online guest book if anyone is interested in posting a comment.


    Traci Sonney


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